75% of all aluminium ever produced is currently still in productive use.
% in productive use
Aluminium in use in:
Electrical Applications
Consumer Durables
Other Applications
Primary Aluminium
Produced since 1888
Produced since 1888
= 955,800,000 t
Aluminium recycling saves over 90 million tonnes of CO2 annually.
Recycling avoids the direct greenhouse gas emissions associated with primary aluminium production and up to 95% of the energy-related emissions.
Emissions savings from aluminium recycling have more than doubled since 1990 and are projected to increase by a further 50% by 2020.
Annual CO2 Savings from Recycling Aluminium Products
Aluminium recycling requires up to 95% less energy than primary aluminium production.
Bauxite Mining
Alumina Refining
Anode Production
Aluminium Smelting
Ingot Casting
On average 170 GJ of primary energy (much of it in the form of
electricity) is required to produce a tonne of primary aluminium.
A tonne of recycled aluminium requires
only 10 GJ.
A tonne of recycled aluminium requires
only 10 GJ.